
Hello! I’m Karl Hricko of United Astronomy Clubs of NJ and the National Space Society, bringing you the June Starwatch for WNTI – the sound of Centenary. The first day of summer or the summer solstice has been celebrated by many cultures as a special day of the year. During the Neolithic time, the stones […]

Hello! I’m Karl Hricko of United Astronomy Clubs of NJ and the National Space Society, bringing you the May Starwatch for WNTI- the Sound of Centenary. I’m in a special location. As I look around, the houses are arranged in neat patterns – surrounded by beautiful trees and shrubbery. It looks like a typical well-groomed […]

Hello! I’m Karl Hricko of United Astronomy Clubs of NJ and the National Space Society bringing you the April Starwatch for WNTI – the sound of Centenary. They watched the Sun, as it began to disappear.  There were shouts of fear and bewilderment. These people of the ancient world now imagined their god the Sun, […]

Hello! I’m Karl Hricko of United Astronomy Clubs of NJ and the National Space Society, bringing you the February Starwatch for WNTI – the sound of Centenary. Can there be stars older than the universe? The Hubble Space Telescope is said to have discovered such a star about 190 light years from Earth in Libra […]

Hello! I’m Karl Hricko of United Astronomy Clubs of NJ and the National Space Society, bringing you the January Starwatch for WNTI-The sound of Centenary.   Did you make any resolutions for this New Year? It all started around 4000 years ago by the Babylonians. It was part of their ritual that celebrated the first […]

Hello! I’m Karl Hricko of United Astronomy Clubs of NJ and the National Space Society, bringing you the March Starwatch for WNTI – the Sound of Centenary It’s the month of March. Spring is in the air. It’s a time for new birth and new life. The first day of spring is in March. It […]

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