Welcome Back Centenary! We missed you.
Written by John Del Re on August 27, 2020
And so it has come. Students are now back on the Centenary University campus for a semester that will be like no other.
Things are going to be different. Masks and social distancing will be the norm, along with hand washing and frequent sanitation. If we all do our part to stay #cyclonesafe, we can ensure that everyone has a healthy semester.
And at WNTI, we are ready to go for the new semester. The studios have been cleaned and organized, along with new protocols. The WNTI Directors and DJ’s are ready to take WNTI to the next level. But we cannot do it without you.
If you are new to campus or returning, consider joining WNTI. We provide the outlet for those who want to explore their creative side. From music shows to podcasts, we offer it all, along with our avenues. We invite you to fill out an information form using the follow link to join our mailing list: https://bit.ly/3hBfYxy
We also invite you to visit our social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. And, our WNTI Radio Official Teams Channel on Microsoft Teams will be updated with new information about upcoming meetings and other news. You can link to the Teams channel here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a12a2eba0ed6d494e9cdfe921b2cedb3c%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=b1e3ae49-f120-4850-bff5-a295138c0732&tenantId=da35a1a5-80b7-4ba7-ad0f-af181b765b10
Let’s get this semester going and stay #Cyclonesafe