Author: Karl Krico

Page: 10

Hello! I’m Karl Hricko of the United Astronomy Clubs of NJ and the National Space Society, bringing you the November Starwatch for the WNTI listening area. Although there’s no turkey among the stars, you are able to see a turkey foot. This group of stars as seen by some Native Americans, actually is a piece […]

The theme is Women in Leadership as this episode of Leadership matters rolls out.  Doctoral students Lena Wasylyk and Jessica Swaim take on hosting roles with their guests:  Ellen Eisenberg, Francesca Marinaro and Jeanene Dutt.

  Harry Styles, who’s been on his fall 2021 American “Love on Tour,” has been making fans feel extra noticed lately. He performed at Madison Square Garden on Sunday, October 31, 2021. He was dressed in a clown-influenced costume for “Harryween” (a special two-night event apart from his typical “Love on Tour” routine). At this […]

Hi Music Fans! WNTI Music Director Eve has created the latest Spotify playlist for the newest music being played on WNTI.  Check it out below or search for it on Spotify.  Be sure to favorite it!

On this episode of Leadership Matters, hosts Tim Frederiks and Fran Gavin are joined guest hosts Melissa Lewis and Kate Walsh who will speak with three different leaders in public education regarding how those leaders have implemented change within their buildings and districts and what they have learned from implementing said changes. Additionally, we will […]

Hosts Fran Gavin and Tim Frederiks welcome doctoral students Deb Grigoletti and Patrick McQueeney into the studio for a discussion on Leadership through the pandemic.  Joining them are special guests Dr. Richard Tomko, Mr. Dave Mango and Mr. Jim Jencarelli – all sitting school leaders.    

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