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Hello! I’m Karl Hricko of the United Astronomy Clubs of NJ, and the National Space Society, bringing you the July 2018 Starwatch for WNTI.ORG. If you look up at the sky on a clear night, you’ll see a yellow supergiant star that is 5 times the size of our Sun. It takes 430 years for […]

Hello! I’m Karl Hricko of the United Astronomy Clubs of NJ, and the National Space Society bringing you the June Starwatch for the WNTI listening area. We’ve been on this mission for several weeks. Our goal is to stay in this colony of 4 men and 4 women for 2 years. We have enough food […]

Hello! I’m Karl Hricko for the United Astronomy Clubs of NJ and the National Space Society bringing you the March Astronomy Update for the WNTI listening area.   The first day of spring has been celebrated by various cultures throughout history.  Natural and artificial features were used to mark the position of the Sun.   This […]

Hello! I’m Karl Hricko of United Astronomy Clubs of NJ and the National Space Society bringing you the February Astronomy Update for WNTI.ORG Shining brightly on most nights, we can see it in different shapes at different times of the month. It’s our Moon. It also can be referred to as “Luna” in Latin, or […]

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